CLASE de 30 min



Descubre cómo nuestros alumnos facturan una media de 7.000 €/$ en 90 días tras lanzar su primer producto en Amazon

Y si no generan 5.000€ de beneficio se devuelve el dinero de la formación

  • Sin necesidad de empezar con un gran capital
  • Sin necesidad de tener experiencia previa
  • Sin necesidad de tener habilidades tecnológicas


Francisco González, también conocido como Paco, es el fundador de Libertad Virtual, la Academia de Amazon con el mayor número de casos de éxito de España y Latinoamérica con más de 15.000 alumnos y un equipo de 60 profesionales distribuidos globalmente.

Nuestra comunidad se presenta como el punto de partida ideal para quienes desean iniciar y expandir sus ventas de productos en Amazon.

Paco acumula una década de experiencia en la venta en Amazon, habiendo logrado generar más de 37 millones de dólares por cuenta propia.

La metodología diseñada por Paco está concebida para que cualquier persona pueda producir ingresos adicionales, ya sea para complementar su trabajo actual o vivir de esta actividad y así alcanzar la tan deseada libertad financiera.


DISCLAIMER: You recognise and agree that I have made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future sales or results, or that you will earn any money and that I have not authorised any such projection, promise, or representation by others. You must obtain advice on taxes (sales tax, VAT, income tax, business taxes, etc.) from a tax professional. You must obtain business formation, legal and patent advice from a legal professional. I take no responsibility for any information given that falls under those categories. You accept that I am not a tax or legal professional. You must consult a legal professional for advice on these topics. I make absolutely NO guarantee of success, monetary or otherwise, and I take no responsibility for any time or money spent in relation to this course, products, advertising, my assistance, or otherwise. Only one person may access the course per purchase. If a user is seen allowing others to use his account to access the course, that person will be removed the course without a refund. You may not share this information with others not enrolled in the course. If you are found uploading these videos or sharing information anywhere else, you will be removed without refund. The Facebook group is there so everyone in this group and converse about topics of this course. Results may vary. Accept that although you follow this course, you may not receive the sales or income desired. I am not responsible for your well-being or your income. Please be aware of this. © 2018 Jonny Bradley Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales, Company Number 11456500
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